Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tips Bloging Marketing

Having RSS feeds can be a great marketing device. This will put your blog all over the net and give you plenty of links back to your site. The more links you have, the more popular you will appear to the search engines. People can subscribe to your blog's RSS feeds and put your blog post on their sites which will add to your links.

The first step you require to take is to put fresh, relevant content on your blog regularly. Remember, you are writing for people also, not the search engines.

You can also submit a site map to Google to let them know how often you are updating your blog.

Link exchanges with relevant authority blogs and web sites will start getting your site noticed. The higher the page rank of the linking sites the better. Most blog owners will be willing to exchange links as we're also trying to build traffic to their site.

Tracking is also important to show you where your visitors are coming from and also which keywords we searched to reach your blog. Focus on the strong and you will see your traffic stats keep climbing.

article marketing is another nice way to bring attention to your blog. Submitting articles to the article directories with a link to your blog in the author's bio should give you a nice traffic boost. The higher the PR of the article directory the better.

Blog and ping are getting to be popular buzzwords. This is the fastest way to get your blog indexed. there's sites such as Technorati and Ping-O-Matic where you can put the URL of your blog and ping it every time you make a new post. Don't let your blog sit and stagnate.

Social bookmarking can also bring massive amounts of traffic if done correctly. it's getting more popular as people see the benefits of having the community decide the popularity and visibility of a site instead of the search engines. Some of the more popular sites are Digg, Del.icio.us, Technorati, Furl and StumbleUpon.

Increase Traffic to Your Blog with Blog Directories

When the web was young, search engine traffic came at a premium price. If you're trying to build traffic for a blog, the best thing you can do for increased traffic is to blog and ping. This slightly humorous-sounding term simply means that you let blog directories know each time you make a new blog post.

By cluing in the blog directories whenever you add a new blog post, you're building traffic in five ways. You might get an initial rush of traffic from the blog directory as readers click through to see your new entry. The real magic happens when the search engines follow the link from the blog directory back to your blog.

Blog and ping might sound a little complicated, but it's actually easy. Most major blog platforms ping the major blog directories automatically. If you want to ping a blog directory that's not listed in their default list, you can usually add it physically.

The search engine then finds other material to index. As you keep getting more links to your blog, the search engine has more pages to index. Eventually you'll find your blog turning up in searches. You won't be in the top couple of pages right away, but you will see your search engine traffic rise.

What if you don't actually have a blog yet? Most often, new bloggers set up a blog with two of the popular blogging platforms. Once your blog is set up and ready to go, don't forget to make sure that it pings every blog directory possible. Your links start building up, your search engine traffic increases, and you are two happy blogger.

Creating a Blog and How to Make Money From Blogging

Blogging is a new concept in web usage. In the case of companies operating their own websites or advertising in different pages, the principal objective was advertising and through consumer patronage they are generating income. Now, more online entrepreneurs and enthusiasts are rushing to generate a blog on their own.

In the modern and more sophisticated era of information technology, entrepreneurs and resourceful people are swooning to grab earning opportunities through online endeavors. If you are aiming to generate a significant amount of income, it would be advisable if you would learn how to generate and maintain a blog.

Prior to actually putting up the blog, it would be helpful if you would first give a deep thought about the theme of the blog. If you want to generate a blog for dog lovers and raisers, you would have to make a blog exclusively for the subject.

Choosing the right theme and producing the content

Content is what makes the blog resourceful and informative.

like traditional forms of media, accepting and soliciting ad placements would facilitate revenue generation.

An effective blog publishing system would be truly helpful in making the effort to generate a blog effectively executed. The blog publishing system is also serving as a better layout for the online project. WordPress also is more facilitative for online earning prospects.

Google Adsense is basically the most common way of generating income from the effort to generate a blog nowadays. Through Adsense, online user traffic can be monitored and the blog's prospect and potential for generating income can be realized. Advertisers and website owners are grateful to nice publicity and helpful reviews about them. Including such content in your blog content would not hurt, but on the contrary help more people appreciate and make use of your blog.

Integrate Google Adsense and affiliate marketing

Overall, the way to earn more money online is to generate and effective blog.

Monday, August 18, 2008

9 Great Reasons To Help An Internet Marketing Newbie

When you first get you started you are considered a "Newbie." A newbie is an affectionate term given to someone who is
new to the internet and all of the geek speak that comes with trying to figure out how to use it.

Do your remember when you first ventured out in the online business world? You probably had questions and problems along the way. Wouldn't it have been easier if you had help? When a newbie asks for your advice, educate them; answer their questions and help them solve their online business problems. If you do not have the knowledge to help them out, point them
in the right direction.

I have found forums as a great way to get information myself as I need it as well as a great place to help people who have particular questions.

Another great place to get help and to help others is Joe Robson's "The Newbie Club." The Newbie Club contains free
computer and internet technical problem solving, plus free tutorials, free eBooks, free courses, free guestbooks, free
autoresponders, free help and advice, a free newsletter, free affiliate program and a free membership.

When you help out a newbie you'll personally get many benefits as well. Here are 9 great reasons
to help out a "Newbie" make money online today.

1. You will have a great feeling knowing you had a part in their success.

2. You could end up being business partners in the future. You could regularly do joint venture and cross promotion deals with each other.

3. They may join an affiliate program or mlm business with you and help you build your business. There are many 2 tier affiliate programs and mlm businesses today that pay you a handsome commission to teach people how to promote their products online.

4. They could help you develop a new product or service or help you get an exsisting project off the ground.

5. They may become one of your best friends. Most people can use new friends, even business owners. You never know when you will run across someone online that you enjoy working with and talking to.

6. They may help you out with your business. Maybe they will give you some testimonials or endorsements for your products or services.

7. They might offer you some free advertising space on their web site or in their e-zine for your help. You could also exchange advertising with them.

8. They may become one of your best customers today as well as purchase back end products from you in the future.

9. You could exchange links with them and build your link popularity, ultimately increasing traffic to your own website

There are many other benefits you could get from helping a new online business owner. Always remember to help them out because it's the nice thing to do and not just to benefit your own business.

About the author:
Jeff Schuman is a 20 year veteran of sales and marketing
and has made over $35 million dollars in sales in that time.
His Team-Schuman.Com website contains the Top 5 work at home
websites, make money fast websites, make money articles, a
free classified ad service and more. Vist it here today:

5 Quickest Ways To Massive Windfalls Of Cash Online

These days everyone wants to know how to make money online.

Yet, for some, this lifestyle seems out of reach. Does this describe you at all?

If you’ve been banging your head against the wall trying to figure out the quickest and easiest methods to generate cash for yourself online, then these five tactics should have you opening your eyes wide and wondering: “Why didn’t I think of this before?”

Cash Tactic #1: Affiliate Products

Affiliate products offer the small, home-based business owner the opportunity to make truckloads of cash, while investing a minimum in over head.

Low overhead is the primary benefit of affiliate marketing. You don’t need your own merchant account. You don’t need to pay a web designer and programmer to create a huge e-store for you. You don’t handle customer complaints, refunds or returns...

All you do is refer the prospect to the merchant’s site, and the merchant handles the rest.

I believe the best affiliate products are information products. Your commissions on information products tend to be higher simply because the author can price an information product higher than what the average shopper spends on a tangible product sold online on a typical day.

This is because the value of information is ambiguous at best, and subjective to how the prospect sees value. People are willing to spend much, much more in order to acquire a solution to their problems.

Cash Tactic #2: Resale Rights

Resale rights are the lazy marketer’s salvation. You don’t have to create your own product. You don’t have to write a single word. You may not even have to lift a finger on sales page creation when the resale product comes with a ready-to-upload sales page.

All you do is pay the licensing fee to acquire rights to the product, perform a small amount of editing to change the payment link over to yours, and upload the sales page and product file to your web server.

The trend is taking a turn for the better in 2005 while the marketing world goes through its latest “next big thing”: niche marketing.

Today, you can find products with resale rights for such things as cooking, golf, arts and crafts, self-improvement and more.

Seizing on the profits promised by demand for niche products, there are dozens of new authors out there who have devoted themselves to turning out these niche products, and offering them with resale rights.

Cash Tactic #3: Special Reports

A special report is a ‘mini e-book’ of no more than about 5 to 12 pages in length. While you can certainly create a mini-ebook that sells (provided the information it contains is perceived to be valuable enough), the best use of a short report is as a lead generating tool for your affiliate campaigns.

The mini-ebook is the ideal viral tool. You create (or acquire) a mini-ebook which is branded with your affiliate links and/or your main URL.

The focus of the report should be niche specific and completely focused on the pre-selling of the affiliate product.

Cash Tactic #4: Interviews

It’s a piece of cake to churn out products created from interviews. In fact, it may be one of the laziest content generation methods available.

Interview packaging is easy, too. You can present the interview as a written transcript, an audio transcript, or both. You can offer a downloadable mp3 file or you can burn the entire interview to CD, put an attractive label on it, and instantly raise your price by at least 30%.

Cash Tactic #5 Teleseminars

Do you want to know something interesting about teleseminars?

While they’re becoming a popular marketing method, the field is really wide open for you to cash in on them because very few marketers understand how to pull them off.

A teleseminar requires advance planning and a willingness to overcome a bit of stage fright. The average marketer in competition with you avoids teleseminars for these reasons.

They’re intimidated by the idea of showing up on time and speaking, even via telephone, to an audience of a couple hundred people.

You can cash in on this technique in a big way. Teleseminars, right now, are popular mainly among the internet marketing crowd and tend to focus on marketing-related subjects; but, just imagine what you could do if you held teleseminars for non-internet marketing niche audiences?

The field is wide open and vastly under-exploited.

There you have it - five quick and easy methods to generate windfalls of cash online!

It’s really amazingly simple, isn’t it? Every tactic is really just a vehicle of delivery for an idea. Your profits begin in an idea which spawns market research. This spawns an analysis of the best approach for delivering your idea to buying public.

While there are many more secrets and techniques to generate massive cash windfalls from the internet, as a start, you should put any one of these methods to good use.

I promise that you will finally get a taste of what it’s really like to succeed wildly online if you do so!

by: Ewen Chia

About the author:
Ewen Chia has just revealed his *secret toolkit* that will blow up your bank account like a thick balloon...and stuff more orders into your inbox than you can handle! Click here for the full details while you can:

5 keys to making money online

There are many, many, opportunities online, but here are the 5 factors you really need to consider, to guarantee your success:

1. Set your goals.
As with any business you need to set goals. Goals help you visualize where you want to go, and keep you motivated when you get up in the morning. You goal may be to earn $500 or $10000 a month, it may be to take that dream vacation, or it may be to give up your job. These are all great goals. It is imperative that you write them down and reread them often. You need a short term goal - e.g monthly goal, to keep you motivated from day to day and a longer term goal 1-2 years - to keep you on track and prevent you from chucking it in. I am confident that if you adopt a positive attitude and embrace your goals then you will soon be making money online.

2. Take time to research.
As I alluded to earlier there are many people making money online - and there are thousands of different businesses that you can try. The internet is a mine field of information and “making money online” opportunities are not difficult to find. However you will need to decipher the genuine opportunities from the scams. Many online promises are just methods to extract money from you. Some do's and don'ts

DON'T fall for the “get rich quick schemes” that promise huge returns in record time
DO try and email or telephone for more information
DO search online for feedback on the opportunity e.g. try name of opportunity + scam
DON'T part with money without consulting a friend you can trust and/or sleeping on it.

3. Find something that you like.
You're the boss now - so do yourself a favor and choose something you enjoy. This will greatly enhance your chances of success. A few things to consider:
Do you enjoy writing?
Do you enjoy talking to people?
Do you enjoy working on the computer?
Do you have a flair for sales?
Are there particular things that you are passionate about e.g sports, music?
Do you want to be contactable 24x7?
Do you want to have flexible/fixed hours?
Personally I like to work on my computer on my own time and my choice of internet business matches this. Find out what suits you, and you can weed out the business ventures which are not for you. Don't settle for second best - choose something you are comfortable with.

4. Find something worth your while.
While it is a good idea to avoid the sales pitch that promises the sun, moon, and stars; it is also important that you don't take the safe option - that guarantees $5 an hour for sending emails, filling our surveys, or licking stamps. These amount to you underselling yourself, because the opportunities of making money on the internet are so much greater. Look for systems which offer a good monthly return for a few hours work a day - if you find something with a residual income all the better.

5. Anything for an easier life!
One of my motivations for venturing into internet marketing was to create an easier life for myself. As I sat in my day job I used to think - “There must be easier ways to make money” - and there are! Earning a living online means that you have the luxury of working from home and choosing your own hours. It is important that you can exploit these perks, by being able to take time off, take extra vacations and spend more time with your family. You need to avoid the 40-50 hours a week for the sake of your sanity.

You have taken the first step by reading this article - you now just need to act upon it. I wish you the very best in your online endeavors.

by: Keith Kingston
About the author:
Keith Kingston is a highly successful affiliate marketer who is dying to share the methods he uses with you. Find out today about his guaranteed way to make money online at

Top 5 Ways to Make Money Blogging

Lets now take a look at top 5 ways using which you could make money blogging:

1. Google Adsense
Google Adsense delivers text and image ads to the authorized websites/blogs depending on the content of the website. Small code is required to be pasted at proper locations on a webpage and Google automatically recognizes the page. Google shares the revenue it gets from the advertisers whenever a visitor clicks on these ads.

Google bills advertisers on price per click basis (PPC). Advertisers are required to pay only when any visitor clicks on their ads. They bid against each other for the keywords in order to receive better placement and thus prices for each keyword differ from one another. It is better to choose keywords for your blog which pays high $ per click.

2. Amazon
Amazon Associate program is another important way to make money blogging. The Amazon Associate program gives opportunity to website/blog publishers to promote any product from its inventory by adding a predefined code to their website/blog, which, when clicked by a visitor, takes them to the relevant product page. Once the visitor buys the product, the blog owner will be compensated with a commission.

3. Blogads
You can use Blogads as an effective tool to have a better control over the advertisers in your blogs. You can analyze and compare your profits with any one of your online agencies. Blogads can be simply specified as an advertising service used for the web logs or blogs. From the total money generated by Blogads, it retains 20% of it and the remaining money is paid to you through PayPal or checks.

Alternative Services:

• Crispads is another useful network focused on the blogs. You can put your advertisements in their blogs using Crispads. You can move through their RSS/ATOM feeds that help in generating revenues.
• Tagword – It is similar to Blogads. It makes you select the ads and their price.

Users can place their text-based ads in the site within minutes and the ads will be displayed instantly on the website.

4. Affiliate Programs
Your affiliate programs can help you earn a lot of money for selected products and services. Lot of websites offers you to become affiliate members. These affiliate programs can provide a better reach and an in-depth exposure to the products. The commissions for the sales differ according to the quality of the product, sales and marketing strategy involved. You can gather information related to the commissions by looking into the catalogues of Link Share and Commission junctions.

5. Text Links
Text links has emerged out to be the best form of moneymaking source that you can use instead of cluttering or crowding the page with ads. You don’t have to make these text links prominent within your website. This link can act as an extra value to your site and will also help to promote the rankings of other sites. In most of the cases you will find these text links placed in the bottom of the web pages. The best part of this strategy is that the publishers send and accept links as the market continues to grow.

by: Matt Bacak

Friday, August 15, 2008

When Adsense Makes No Sense: Knowing When Not To Use The Google Adsense Pay-Per-Click Program

There are times, however, when using AdSense makes no sense at all. Here are some common scenarios:

Google's AdSense program is a proven money-maker that has enriched the pockets of plenty of web-site owners. Unlike plenty of pay-per-click systems, the AdSense program has a large pool of commercials to draw from -- the ads come from Google's AdWords program, which you can think of as the flipside of AdSense -- which almost guarantees that AdSense can find relevant commercials to display alongside a site's content.

The basic AdSense program is geared for small-to-medium sites. If your site gets significant traffic, look into the Google AdSense Premium Service (http://services.google.com/ads_inquiry/ct). This is the program used by sites like Amazon.com and the New York Times.

1. Your site gets much traffic.

You cannot display AdSense commercials on any site that violates the AdSense program policies (https://www.google.com/adsense/policies). This is outlined in the first section of the AdSense terms and conditions (https://www.google.com/adsense/terms) to which you agreed when you joined the AdSense program.

2. Your site does not conform to AdSense program policies.

Practically speaking, this means that any content that promotes pornography, gambling, drug use or any illegal activity is unsuitable for AdSense use. you're also forbidden from using AdSense to promote alcohol, tobacco, conterfeit goods and other controversial products or services. If you're cycling an online casino, for example, AdSense cannot be used on the casino's site.

3. Your visitors are offended by adverts.

Note that there's a difference between offending your visitors by showing any commercials at all and offending them by showing the commercials in so obnoxious a manner that all we require to do is leave your site. In fact, displaying ads in an intrusive manner violates the AdSense program policies and should be avoided for that reason alone.

Above all else, AdSense is an advertising distribution program: you're renting space on your pages to Google for the display of commercials drawn from its AdWords program. In return for the use of your space, Google gives you a cut of the pay-per-click revenue it makes from the commercials shown on your pages. If most of your visitors find ads offensive, they'll stay away from your site and you won't make any money from the ads that are displayed anyhow, so you might as well not display any ads.

Although Google does its best to find targeted commercials that are relevant to a page's content, sometimes that targeting fails and unsuitable ads are shown. If your content is about the evils of dieting, for example, you probably don't require to see commercials promoting specific diets. Nor do you require to see commercials for competing products or services. AdSense lets you filter out plenty of commercials, but in some cases it's basically impossible -- or much work -- to keep out the unsuitable adverts.

4. The ads are basically unsuitable.

The fundamental premise of pay-per-click advertising is that you're willing to send your visitors elsewhere in return for some kind of payment. If AdSense is your only form of revenue then this is an acceptable trade-off. If, however, your site makes you more from other programs, you should consider whether or not losing a number of your visitors to pay-per-click ads is worth it.

5. You make more money by keeping visitors on your site.

You don't have to remove ads entirely to handle this problem. You can basically reduce the number of ads that you display and even reposition them so that they're clicked less often. Or place them only on the site's exist pages -- the pages from which your visitors typically leave the site. Remember that your visitors are going to leave your site eventually anyhow, you're trying to get them to stay longer.

Another strategy is to use AdSense link units instead of regular text or image commercials, because you can configure link units (unlike the regular ads) to open in a separate window when clicked.

Remember that the AdSense program is a flexible pay-per-click program. You don't have to show commercials on each page of your site -- in fact, the AdSense program policies forbid you from displaying ads on certain kinds of pages. Nor do you have to display ads on each site you own. You can even decide whether image or text commercials (or both) are to be shown on a page-per-page basis. And of coursework you can use AdSense channels to discover exactly which pages are making you money and which pages aren't.

Use AdSense's flexibility to your advantage, but don't get stuck on it if it's not working for you. there's other pay-per-click and impression-based advertising systems out there to explore. For a general, all-purpose program it's hard to beat AdSense, but your situation may warrant a more specialized program. Some sites make more from affiliate programs that from selling advertising, or use a combination of both. Do the search and figure out what's best for you

Thursday, August 14, 2008

10 Great things NOT to do with Google AdSense

1. Do not use fake information when opening your Google AdSense account.

Google says that’s a no-no & they will cut your account off & keep all the money you may have earned. Besides, trying to hide your true identity can cause serious problems with the I.R.S. or whoever your tax authority is.

2. Do not hack or change Google AdSense code other than to modify the parameters that Google authorizes you to alter.

Any attempt to bypass Google’s built-in algorithms not only poses a danger to the integrity of the network, but it threatens the financial modle that Google operates under. You’re not dealing with some Mom-and-Pop company here, & Google has the legal muscle & deep pockets to drag you through every court in the land if you damage their business with your hacking antics.

3. Keep AdSense ads off of your registration, confirmation, & all "thank you" pages.

Don’t ask me why you can’t put your ads there. It makes sense to me that those would be wonderful locations. Google thinks otherwise, however, & doing so is a hanging offense according to their Terms of Service.

That makes plain lovely sense. Google doesn’t demand 100% SITE loyalty from you, but they do insist that their own ads not be cluttered up by offerings from their competitors.

4. Do not display AdSense ads & a competitor's ads (like Overture's) on the same page simultaneously.

5. Don't "beg for clicks" or provide any incentive for clicking on your Google AdSense ads.

This is a biggie & you see this rule violated all the time. Any of the “get paid to do stuff” sites that put Google ads in the member’s control panels are walking the plank & they don’t even realize it. Even those sites with the polite little messages asking you to “help keep my site walking by clicking on our sponsor’s ads” are asking to be cut off if those happen to be Google ads.

Nothing screams FRAUD louder than a webmaster walking up his or her own click counts by happily clicking on ads fromtheir own site. The Google Gods can track this activity & it won’t be long until you find yourself getting a goodbye note from their fraud team.

6. seldom click on the ads walking on your own site, even if you are genuinely interested in the product or service & are thinking of buying it!

Google is specific about what text can be placed around their ads. Their Terms of Service state: “Publishers may not label the ads with text other than ‘sponsored links’ or ‘advertisements.’ This includes any text directly above our ads that could be confused with, or attempt to be associated with Google ads.”

7. No misleading labeling

This is to keep visitors from becoming confused & barking up Google’s tree when they clicked on an ad that led to a porn site instead of the recipe site they were expecting to visit.

8. Avoid keyword spamming & other divisive tricks

You may be tempted to buy two of those “generates thousands of key-word rich pages in seconds” programs that are so popular these days but I’ll tell you this: Their days are numbered. Google is wise to such shenanigans & they will be hot on your trail. Other prohibited gimmicks include:

• ”Sneaky” page redirects that send a visitor off to a different site then they were expecting to visit.

• Multiple sites, domains, pages, etc. which have substantially duplicate content.

• Hidden text or links of any type.

• Excessive outbound links on any page. Google recommends no over 100. I’d keep it way below that.

• & here is a nugget of wisdom straight from Google’s mouth: “Do not participate in link schemes designed to increase your site's ranking or PageRank. In particular, avoid links to web spammers or "bad neighborhoods" on the web as your web-site may be affected adversely by those links.

It’s a lot shorter lists than PayPal’s or eBay’s, but it includes a lot of the same stuff like hacking/cracking content, porn, illegal drugs, gambling sites, beer or hard alcohol (I guess wine is OK), weapons, & the other usual stuff.

9. Don’t advertise anything on Google’s prohibited items list.

10. & the 10th dumbest thing NOT to do with Google AdSense is to let the other nine things stop you from walking an honest site that’s designed to make the most out of this profitable opportunity that Google offers!

How To Make Money with Google

If you are new to the Google Adwords programme, all you want to do is relax, & go through the simple steps mentioned below to get you started off on three of the most technically advanced advertising designs on the net:

Step 1: Define the eyeballs:
The first step would be to define the target group for your advertisement. there's multiple fields to select from which help you get the geography & language preference of the audience set up so that your ads are shown only to the relevant audience. This method results in an Ad Group, & you can define multiple Ad Groups for various campaigns.

Step 2: Word your ad:
All Google ads are text based & they are displayed in varying font sizes & color to define order & importance. three time your Ad Group is defined, you want to start putting the advertising message together. This is a bit tricky as you want to get the communication within preset character limits. You can write a headline of up to 25 characters, & a three line message of 95 characters. It might be a nice idea to take a look at other Google ads in order to understand the choice of words for the ad. After the descriptions are done, you can enter a display URL.

one times the ad itself is put together, you can select the keywords for which the advert should show up. You want to careful with your selection here as your selection of keywords is going to be the key to success (as well as critical for your billing at Google) of your campaign. You can get a lot of help from the keyword tool which helps you find alternate keywords as well. it's recommended that you start with a few keywords in the first place & then proceed to add keywords as the campaign progresses.

Here's when they want to start sorting out the preferred cash of billing & display. Google does not allow you to modify cash of preference three time you have set it so you want to be sure which cash you would like to be billed in.

Step 3: Define the commercials:

Google Adwords allows you to set pricing of each click. The process would suggest you a maximum cost per click (CPC) which you can choose or define a CPC which you are willing to spend. The 'Traffic Estimator' allows you to see a hypothetical scenario of the traffic you can expect with each type of CPC you choose along with the cost of campaign. This helps you in choosing the keywords effectively.

The commercial section does have a quantity of sub steps to follow! You now want to finally define what you would like to spend on the campaign. Google will display your ad only till such time the budget permits & then inform you about the expiry of budget. This feature allows you to stay within a pre-defined budget. Google Adwords also recommends a budget based on your previous selection. You can set your budget based on this recommendation.

one times you have completed setting your preferences on the method, Google Adwords gives you an opportunity to review all the details & then click on the final method of signing up for the service.

Step 4: Signing on the dotted line:

Getting started on Google Adwords is simple as you can see from the above steps. All the best with your online marketing campaign with Google AdWords

True to the rest of the method, the signing up method is really simple. All you want is a valid & frequently accessed email account & set up a password & you are ready to roll.